Friday, July 27, 2012

Big Brother: Eviction #2

How great was this week?

Russell Jr. is gone in a wave of more self-imploding drama than I could have even scripted.
And, let's take a moment to reflect on this "fight."

Jason's comment to me during this scene was if he fought like Joe, I would divorce him. I replied that obviously I would have to kick the butt of whomever he was fighting with first! I have to admit, I do wish Willie got in one good punch before he was ousted. That "fight" was more lame than a Baby Daddy Brawl on Maury. Hantz is obviously "bad boy" enough... since he was arrested for intoxicated driving just days after his premature house exit. Besides, that new "I'm so effing cool and not the old man" 3-inch long soul patch Joe is growing only adds to the reasons he is too annoying to continue suffering.

Ian's mommy obviously orchestrated a plane to fly over and drop his bottle of Ritalin tied to a lil' parachute into the Big Brother compound, because this week he went from the pestering freak back to the adorable geek. In searching for a picture of Ian in his cute lil' bow tie, I came across instead a pic of Ashley getting undressed after their date... in the Have Not Room... with Ian sitting on the "bed" behind her. What's up with that?!

Bye bye JoJo. Her lack of irritability factor is only due to others in the house being far higher on that scale. For me, evictions this week were a toss up. It didn't change the game for me much regardless of who left. She was a bit too hung up on being the caricature of a New York girl though. The only benefit of keeping her was the potential battle lines that could be drawn with her/Shane vs. others. (Aligning themselves with Willie will be like Herpes. He may be gone, but the effect of having been with him will keep coming back to haunt his weak alliances.) There's no hint of a great house divide yet. That will be inevitable when the alumni (unsurprisingly) join the game.

The ironic chain of HoH winners! Willie stabs Frank in the back, then Frank gets the next HoH. Frank puts Shane on the block, who saves himself, and then wins HoH. Retribution is the featured entree on the Big Brother menu so far this season. And Boogie suggesting that they backdoor Shane (not put him up for eviction but use him as a replacement nominee)? Even Rocker Chick (who I still despise by the way) knew "Pawns always go home!" Yes, granted, that would have worked given this week's scenario... but not if Shane wasn't on the block and therefore competing for the Veto to save himself. That is such a rookie mistake Boogie... tsk, tsk.

Showmances! How quickly did the budding affection between Shane and Danielle end when she was put up for eviction against JoJo? He did not even TRY to fake empathy towards her! Yes, he may have proposed an alternate plan to Frank to keep her off the block, but once she was pitted against JoJo, he gave her the cold shoulder. Antarctic Baby! Then, he was the ONLY vote for her! It will be interesting to see in this upcoming week if he will be overcompensatingly nice to her given his safe position.

And of course, we cannot mention the summer camp phenomenon that is Showmances without one more nod to Ian and Ashley!

I would say "my two favorite players" hooking up... but Ashley's attempts to prove what a dingbat she was this week were disappointing. Unfortunately, even though she has proclaimed "flying under the radar" to be her strategy, I don't think it's an act. She was so bad at that "Nacho Menu" memory game that she made Janelle look smart.

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