Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday's Sensational Six

Several years ago, my Key Club officers were comprised of a group of friends that dubbed themselves the "Fab Five." To rebuff the exclusion, another group of friends on their periphery created their own moniker as the "Sensational Six." It was all very...

Random thought for a random blog post. I want to write tonight. Perhaps need to write. But my mind is heavy with a topic that I really don't want to take the time organize thoughts about right now, so I am going to do one of the random list postings like the ones so popular on "Five for Friday" link parties... except it's Saturday, so I give you the Sensational Six.
I need a haircut. With guys, it's a little more obvious when a haircut is in the "need" stage. With the ladies perhaps not so much so. I know, I know, one should visit the hair dresser every six weeks or so (Is that right?) for a trim and touch-up. Reality is though, it is rare that I go more than once a year. But, I am really feeling that I need a "Back to School" haircut.
I was going to compare the current state of my hair to The Great Oz. However, upon Googling an image of his locks, I realized, sadly, that his hair is actually in far better condition than mine.
I would really like to go just above the shoulder in length. But I don't think I have the nerve to make that big of a change right now. I really like everything about the hair on the left but I have to admit the fact upfront that I will never take the time to actually "do" my hair.
Thus, despite how much I love-love-love the "busy-ness" of this hair, I don't think I could ever pull it off. It still may be the pic I take to the hair dresser with me though. This would be a good chunk of hair off but still not feel drastic. Hopefully it would cut most of the perm out, whose remnants is what's really making my hair tragic.
I spent far too much time today following a blog link party for elementary teachers to post their top ten Pinterest ideas for decorating the classroom. Here are my three fave:
I currently have three filing cabinets in my classroom. I would love it if I could condense to one and position it between the desk and wall like this. It would open up a lot of area behind my desk I also like the maximized use of the cabinet, especially the impromptu bulletin board on the side (as opposed to taping important papers to the wall by my desk).
I am going to aim to create an Instagram-inspired bulletin board for the beginning of the year, which shows pics related to all the literature and is labeled with hashtag quotes from the lit.
I used to roll my eyes (not even metaphorically) at the frivolousness of curtains in the classroom. However... the idea is really growing on me. This method of hanging them looks neat & easy. I am going on the hunt for key or book themed fabrics.
I was about to watch an episode of "Big Brother After Dark" today and paused to watch the commentary on William and Kate  rather than fast-forwarding to the show. One of the clips showed the royal couple at the alter just about to be wed and you can clearly see William whisper to Kate, "You look beautiful." It near brought me to tears. I am absolutely enchanted by this couple. I cannot wait for the day to come when William takes the throne. They are such a real-life fairy tale.
I may (or may not) do a post soon about reactions to my favorite reality trash television. I am loving the casts of Big Brother and Project Runway this summer... and I can't wait to see Sugar Bear & June's wedding...
(Looks just like the Royal Wedding, doesn't it?) The sleeper hit that I may be enjoying most this though is Pretty Wicked Moms on Lifetime Tuesday night. I wish I could get a Live Feed of that show rather than be limited to the 60-minute weekly dose! It's like "Real Housewives" with sippy cups. They are just the most eclectic bunch of frenemies, which I guess is the purpose/premise of the show. My faves are Alpha Mom, Nicole B., and the Southern Belle, Amanda, which is kinda funny because they are nothing alike. The one I think is as forgettable as her post-accident memory though is Meredith. She's dimwitted and she's barnacle clinging to the Mean Girls. 
As I was bouncing around Pinterest today looking at ideas for inspirations for all the jewelry I am going to make once upon a time, I came across several boards dedicated specifically to Resin Jewelry. I guess I had kinda heard the word thrown around with different jewelry ideas but had not really seen the massive possibilities for creative and inexpensive trinkets with resin until today.
I really want to get into the craft room and just CREATE. With all the cleaning and purging and organizing, the craft room gets cleaned out, then get more stuff moved into it. I just have to admit that I have become a Craft Hoarder. Have space, will fill. Is there any chance I will ever use half a shelf's worth of foam shapes? Nope, probably not. Unfortunately I really think I am going to have to prioritize and thin some supplies out to make more room to be functional.
I never played Angry Birds... mainly because I didn't have a Smart Phone in the heydays of its popularity. I am definitely on the tails of this newest game craze though. Honestly, I don't think I play that often. It still is a favored activity among my purposely unproductive time though. Intermittent positive reinforcement, what causes gambling addictions, is the exact principle that fuels this game. I have had enough psychology and education (same theory in behavior management) cases to know this... yet I still get a "Rush from the Crush" each time I reach a new level.

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